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Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
.That is not my lecture hall!.20 things that I know I have been in medical school for too long when:
1. Walking becomes more of a chore than a necessity.
2. I would rather clean than study.
3. Parents' cooking becomes something I desire, not avoid!
4. I schedule my day around sleep habits and those damn tuitions.
5. I go to sleep when it's light and get up when it's dark. For obvious reasons, I don’t deny it, I'll be burning the midnight oil every night!!!
6. I live for getting mail.
7. Looking out the window becomes fun, gives me a sense of freedom especially at exam time.
8. Childish pranks become funny again.
9. Rearranging my room is my favourite pastime if it gets me out of studying.
10. I am the master in wasting time.
11. Weekend, what?? weekend!!!!
12. I consider lectures to be a potent sedative (stronger than any drug I know).
13. Tuition means a time to socialize with my friends.
14. No matter how “cool” I was in school, no one here cares.
15. I ask myself everyday, why, why did I join this faculty??!!
16. Everything seems so simple, nothing really matters anymore.
17. I can know everything and still fail a test.
18. Most of my education is aquired outside of university.
19. I wonder if I will ever get my life back.
20. Lets hope that all the sacrifices we make in our lives now will eventually pay-off in the end!!!